We call for strategic & companion partnerships for the U-I categories, and partnership of the Challenge as follows:

1. Strategic partnership for U-I categories

a. Main benefits

  • Collaboration: co-design & co-implement the Challenge in relevant S&T fields (including communication strategy).
  • Access: access right to relevant participating projects & winning projects
  • Event & communication privileges: special privileges for events, including speaking opportunities, seating arrangements… & media privileges (logo, articles, videos…)

b. Main responsibilities

  • Participation: long-term collaboration.
  • Activity proposal: propose activities to support teams; participate in events & judging.
  • Support: in-kind & financial form.

2. Companion partnership for U-I categories

a. Main benefits

  • Collaboration: co-implement the Challenge in relevant S&T fields.
  • Access: access right to relevant participating projects.
  • Event & communication benefits: event-related benefits (seating, introductions) & media benefits (logo, articles, videos…).

b. Main responsibilities

  • Participation: short-term collaboration.
  • Activity proposal: propose activities to support teams; participate in events & judging.
  • Support: in-kind & financial form.

3. Partnership of the Challenge

  • Offer activities during the Challenge (mentoring, judging, or business-related ones).
  • Offer activities after the Challenge such as incubation or acceleration programs, business plan competitions… linking with the Challenge.