After the new topics for Bach Khoa Innovation 2021 was announced, we have receiving many questions regarding the rules as well as other new points in this year’s competition.
Therefore, as a warm up before the challenging Preliminary Round ahead, let’s take note of the rules and expected timeline now!
I. Participants:
– All students at universities and colleges in Ho Chi Minh City and surrounding areas.
– Alumni of HCMUT or other universities within the Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam National University (graduated from 2 years back).
– Each team must include 3 to 5 members.
II. Competition rules:
Each team will register a proposal/project that brings technical solutions at the request of Enterprises. Your proposal/project need to be new, innovative, and solving practical problems in society towards sustainable development.
*Note: All presentations and reports are in English.
1. Preliminary Round: 16/01 – 23/02
Training workshop 1 (23/01): Writing and Persuasive Project Presentation Skills.
Register for the Premilinary Round here:
The Top 100 teams will enter Round 1.
2. Round 1: 03/03 – 14/03
– Each team submits the reports describing their progress of at least 30% completion.
– Each team presents for 3 to 5 minutes and answers questions from the board of judges about their ideas through a demo product based on the judges’ criteria.
Training workshop 2 (06/03): Business Planning and Presentation Skills
The Top 50 teams will enter Round 2.
3. Round 2: 16/03 – 11/04
– Each team submits the reports describing their progress of at least 60% completion.
– Each team presents for 10 minutes and answers questions from the board of judges about their ideas through a demo product based on the judges’ criteria.
Training workshop 3 (20/03): Intellectual Property Laws – Branding, Finance – Marketing.
Training workshop 4 (27/03): Project Management, Business Model Design.
The Top 20 teams will enter The Final Round.
4. The Final Round: 12/04 – 16/05
– Each team submits their complete reports.
– 5-minute presentations on applicability; socio-economic impact; subjects benefitting directly from the project, and product demonstration.
5. Training workshops: Team consultancy program, Investor seminar.
6. Business visit (08/05): HCMC Business Incubation centers.
III. Notes when participating:
1. Each student cannot participate in more than 2 topics.
2. The topics must not violate intellectual property laws.
3. The topics which had taken third prizes upward in other similar competitions are not eligible.
4. The leader of each competing team will represent their team to work with the Organizers (Including providing information such as Student IDs, Student Emails, Phone Numbers, and Bank Account Numbers).
5. During the competition, any change of members or leaders must be announced to and accepted by the Organizers.
6. The competition rewards (in Vietnam Dong) will be transferred to the team’s representative personal bank account after the end of the competition (approximately 4 to 4 weeks). In case early transfer is possible, the Organizers will make clear announcements regarding such matters.
7. Teams that win the competition will agree on their own on the distribution of prizes within that group. The Organizers do not interfere in the process.

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